27 Best Business Ideas for Pakistan 2021
General Business Landscape in Pakistan
Pakistan’s economy is complex. There are some thriving industries and some that are struggling due to some of the corruption in the government. However, there are still lots of new business ideas for the people in Pakistan, as there are a lot of talented and skilled workers. From the footwear industry to providing meals to the poor and car parts manufacturing, there is a business idea in there for you.
Best Business Ideas for Pakistan
1. Meal Sharing Company
If you’re looking to help people by providing the most basic necessities such as food, then consider this business idea. The Meal Sharing Company works with existing restaurants to provide meals for the poor. The existing restaurant will usually choose a meal they sell that has a high margin and then share a chunk of that margin with the Meal Sharing Company to provide another meal to the poor. This is a great way for other restaurants to differentiate their offering and can be a great way to help your community too.
2. Import and Export Specialization Company
Pakistan has a large import and export economy with neighboring nations as well as many international countries. This business idea would involve helping local companies with their import and export documentation, tracking and other duties so the client can focus on their work. Helping international clients could also be a possibility as they may want to expand their manufacturing operations to Pakistan due to the lower costs and high quality of labour performed. To make money, you could charge a fee per hour or per import/ export project.
3. Solar Energy Production Company
The solar industry is ready to grow in Pakistan as the research shows. In the beginning, you could start developing solar energy for your local community or area by setting up a few panels. To keep costs low, only invest in a few panels and source them from China as they may be cheaper there. After you are able to sell enough of the energy produced, you can invest in more land and panels to grow the production company. Energy can be sold on a per kilowatt basis to personal residences. One thing to consider will also be how you will maintain and clean the solar panels to maximize your investment.
4. Unique Footwear Client Development Business
Footwear in Pakistan is set to take off. Although India and China are major competitors in this area, Pakistan is ripe for opportunity due to the low costs and high-quality materials the area can produce.
To help local manufacturers and other businesses in Pakistan capitalize on the potential growing footwear industry, you could help them find clients from around the world that would want their shoes produced in Pakistan. Then you could take a percentage of the revenues that the manufacturing facility would receive for the deal or a simple fee could be charged. This is a low-cost approach to using this growth to build a company. A high-cost approach would be to build the manufacturing facilities yourself.
5. Specialty Textile and Synthetic manufacturing
As online businesses become more specific about who they serve and the types of products they offer, more and more online stores will need custom clothing products that they can offer customers to differentiate their business. To set up the Specialty Textile Manufacturing company you could begin by outreaching to Shopify clothing shop owners to see if there are custom products that they want made to try and sell in their online store.
After working with them to find a custom design that can be made, you would make a deal with a local textile manufacturer to make the products that the Shopify store owner would want to buy.
6. Software Development Firm
A software development company has major potential in Pakistan as there is a lot of great local talent that can be accessed in the area. As well, there is talent from neighboring countries that can be brought in too.
The software development company would work with local businesses to develop solutions that would help them manage their business and make more money. For instance, this could be by developing a software application for a local clinic with multiple locations to share healthcare files for easier client servicing. Or you could take a more risky approach and build software programs for new startups and take a percentage of their equity as payment.
7. Simple phone manufacturing company
Another manufacturing related industry that Pakistan is ready to see growth in is the phone manufacturing sector. This is also because the government has recently introduced new policies that make it more favorable for companies to have their phones and devices made in Pakistan. And with policy changes come great business opportunities to get contracts and manufacture smartphones.
This business idea would require more start-up capital in the beginning, but could pay off in the long-run. Initially, you would need to build or buy a smartphone manufacturing facility and hire the workers to make the phones. However, the large contracts could quickly generate lots of revenue for you and your company.
8. Mental Health Education Service
Mental health education is a growing need in Pakistan as more and more young people continue to suffer from anxiety, stress, depression and other mental illnesses. If you’re looking to help your local community in Pakistan with a business, this service would be a great one to provide.
To get started, you will want to develop a mental health program that can be taught to groups. Then you could reach out to the local city or government to see if they will supply you with a grant to get started. If not, then you will need to approach the local schools, organizations and possibly businesses to see if they will pay you to come and offer your services to the workers, students and people in the organization. There is growing research and demand for this kind of work.
9. Read and Writing Non-For-Profit Service
A major problem that has been expressed multiple times by locals in Pakistan is the need for increased literacy in the country as a whole. Illiteracy is a major issue and it needs to be addressed to the entire population so the economy can be successful.
The reading and writing non-for-profit service would help solve this problem by helping people in poor communities learn the basics of reading and writing. To make money, you may need to raise money from donations in the local community or you may be able to get a grant from the government to fund your efforts. Although it may be tricky to operate financially, it would provide a lot of long-lasting value to the community and make the area flourish with new business as people learn.
Tip: Looking for problems in your country but don’t know where to start? Try searching Quora.com. It’s a great resource for finding problems that come from people in your area. If you’re interested, check out these problems from Pakistan.
10. Solar Energy Storage Company
With the opportunity for solar production as a business idea, there is also the need for this solar energy to be stored efficiently so it can be used when necessary. The solar energy storage company would involve buying efficient electric batteries that can be hooked-up to the solar power plants to gather energy. The solar energy could then be transported and sold to rural communities who don’t have much access to power, or it could be sold to others as back-ups in case the power goes out.
This company could make money by selling the energy they buy from the solar plants and selling it to the communities or businesses that need it.
11. Small-Scale Water Treatment System Installation Company
The low-quality of water in some areas of Pakistan is a major issue that needs to be addressed as it causes other health-related issues down the road. The small-scale water treatment system company would work with a group of three to five households to develop a water treatment system for their local water supply. The water treatment system would be something the people could bring water to in order for it to be clean and useable.
The small-scale water treatment systems would allow you to launch this business idea with low start-up costs as the larger treatment systems would require larger parts and thus more money.
12. Online Air Mask Store
Environmental issues are a growing concern in Pakistan. Both noise and air pollution are becoming a major issue as both Pakistan and surrounding nations have limited regulations for air pollution and thus many businesses take advantage of the limits. Ultimately causing issues for the communities.
To help address the air pollution issue, you could start an online store for all the different types of air masks. They could have cool designs or be targeted towards specific genders etc. The store could order masks in wholesale from a local manufacturer and then target people using online ads or local influencers to help sell the product.
13. Plant-based meat-like food manufacturer
Plant-based meat is growing significantly in demand around the world. This manufacturing business idea would cater to this growing demand by developing plant-based meat products that could be sold to companies that like Beyond Meat and their competitors.
14. New Venture Investment Fund
A major need in the Pakistan economy is more cash investments for new ventures. The people of Pakistan are very hard workers and want to launch new businesses however, the one major thing stopping some of the larger ventures from launching is start-up capital and funding. Especially since manufacturing is so popular in Pakistan.
The new venture investment fund would help solve this problem by providing funding to qualified businesses that need to be taken to the next level. If you don’t have a lot of money, you can still start this company. To do this, you would need to raise money from wealthy individuals in your community or in international countries.
15. Talent Acquisition Agency
There is major demand for good employees in many international countries. The Talent Acquisition Agency would work with companies in Asia, Europe and North America to provide talent from the Pakistan area as there are many skilled people that theses companies want to hire. You can charge a fee to the companies and then go to schools and universities in the area to see if there are candidates that want a job overseas. You would also help them handle the international visa process if necessary.
16. Local Entrepreneurial Bootcamps
Entrepreneurship is growing in demand in Pakistan and to help this need you could develop local entrepreneurial boot camps for the youth. If you are a new and aspiring entrepreneur you could start by being the event planner and work with a local entrepreneur that has the experience to help you develop a program that you could present or get them to present for a fee. Each person who attends can pay a fee and you can generate revenue that way.
17.Car Aftermarket Parts and Accessories Business
Aftermarket parts and accessories are very profitable industries in Pakistan. When there is a very profitable industry, it is ripe for disruption that adds more value to the customer. It also means there can be great potential for growth in the industry as well.
This Car Aftermarket Parts and Accessories Business would specialize in providing automotive parts for the large transportation industry in Pakistan. You could start by sourcing parts locally or from neighboring countries and then develop contracts with local transportation companies for replacing key parts that break and need servicing.
18. Halal food manufacturing company
Halal is a growing food type that many people in Pakistan and surrounding areas love to enjoy. It can be made into many different forms and that is what people are loving. The different forms such as Halal breakfast and dessert dishes are making the food more popular than ever.
Many other businesses would love to start selling a different type of Halal to their customers but may not have the manufacturing capabilities to do so. You could set up a Halal kitchen to make these different creations upon request, operating like a bakery.
19. Social Media Advertising Agency
With all the manufacturing capabilities and other industries in Pakistan, social media marketing can play a key role in helping them reach new customers. If you have an interest in social media marketing, you could begin by offering services to a local industry such as manufacturing. Helping the business owner target and stand out on the internet so they can reach more potential clients. Over time this business idea in Pakistan can grow to other industries so you can expand your clientele.
20. Custom T-shirt Printing Company
The Custom T-shirt Printing company would help serve the growing online businesses selling customized t-shirts. There is a great potential for growth in the textile manufacturing industry in Pakistan and the t-shirt area is a niche that is growing. T-shirt printing shops are not very complex to set up compared to other manufacturing facilities and can be done for relatively low costs.
After the shop is ready, you can begin outreaching to as many online t-shirt company owners as you can to see if they want to change their supply chain to use your services.
21. Steel Container Home Developer
Home building and development in Pakistan is another growing area as the middle and upper classes grow because they want to increase their quality of living and standards. And a cost-effective solution, especially in an area like Pakistan would be using steel containers.
To get started, you could begin by finding a supplier for the steel containers and then build a show home in your community that you can show people. If you can find an area with a lot of foot traffic this could give you the exposure you need to land a few clients and make this a viable business.
22. Politics Rating Website
Another major problem in Pakistan is the corruption within the political system. This is a major issue for the people of Pakistan as the economy is not able to flourish when there is a high level of corruption at the government level.
If you’d like to target this problem you could begin by creating a website that rates the current and upcoming politicians and rank them on their ability to avoid corruption and work for the people. To make money you could run ads on the site and work with other local businesses to promote them.
23. Local and Personal Media Company
Online media is growing in the middle east and especially Pakistan. With the corruption in the country there is room for more local and personal news media companies to tell stories of the small things happening around the country.
If you have a passion for creating video content, interviewing locals and reporting the news, this could be a very interesting business to start. To keep things low-cost in the beginning you could conduct the interviews, edit the videos and stream it onto YouTube and your website. To get viewership, you could begin by using social media marketing within your local city and area.
24. Local Tourism Company
Pakistan has the opportunity for growth within the tourism industry now that some of the political and war-related tensions in that area have calmed over the years. If the tourism industry begins to take off, this could be a great business idea to launch.
The Local Tourism Company is designed to provide a very local experience for the tourists, in exchange for a fee. You can begin by setting up a simple website that offers your services and map out the top 5 things to do as a local in Pakistan. Then you could rent a van and take your clients on these local experiences. This could be a much more fun experience as a tourist and really get to experience the local culture.
25. Online Virtual Assistant
The Online Virtual Assistant business idea is not new but it is a great business to launch in Pakistan if you live in an area that has little support for other entrepreneurial ventures. The reason it is so great is that you get to work from the comfort of your own home and you can have clients from around the world.
If you’d like to start an Online Virtual Assistant business, it is recommended that you spend some time to choose a niche to enter so you can stand out and have a point of differentiation in your business. If you are looking for a low-cost business idea to launch in Pakistan, this would be the idea to start.
26. Greenhouse Set up and Maintenance Company
The weather in Pakistan makes it perfect for using greenhouses to grow a wide variety of different crops and even plant-based medicines. The heat allows for many exotic plants to flourish and the greenhouse can protect the plants from any dust storms in the area.
The Greenhouse Set Up Company would handle setting greenhouses for local residents and maintaining the greenhouse if the homeowner would like to upgrade the service. If you’d like to keep costs lower in the beginning, you could start by selling the concept to one person so you have enough money to go and buy the supplies you need to get started.
27. Franchise Assistance Business
Franchises are a popular option for new business owners in Pakistan, possibly Karachi, as they don’t have to create a brand, procedures and conduct all the marketing by themselves. The franchise does this so they can focus on building a community and adding value through their business.
To help this group of people flourish, you could start a Franchise Assistance service. This company would be designed to help new franchise owners set up the franchise and help them get started on building a steady clientele.