Why to not work in crypto bitcoin or forex business
asic information
Alright so before we get into exact topic I need you to read some articles about crypto currencies and forex trading.
What is crypto currency : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency
What is forex trading : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_exchange_market
To continue further please make sure you have read above articles otherwise your mind will be like as below image :
I also like to clear one more thing in this article. that many of us are talking bitcoin as a investment opportunity and I’m personally against this theory.
What is bitcoin : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin
Bitcoin is a digital currency as any other currencies the only difference is. it’s not controlled by any person or organization and this is the only interesting part of this digital currency otherwise there is many more options in the market to invest in them but they are totally different in terms of technology.
let me list you some of them who claim to have same technology as bitcoin
01. https://www.onecoin.eu/ declared as ponzi scheme at : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OneCoin
02. https://firstcoin.club/ find their bad system leakage over here : https://goo.gl/y9KHZc
03. https://ethereum.org/ the one who rapidly growing and challenging bitcoin
04. https://ripple.com/ the one who is about to jump soon
05. https://www.pakcoin.io/ don’t laugh it is really pakistani desi coin
And the list of crypto currencies goes on : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cryptocurrencies
now it’s really funny that it seems everyone started building his own currency and selling to the world
I have inspired by these currencies and thinking to start my own currency look below :D
QSM 100 Dollars :D
Get serious boy!
Ah ok! so let’s come back to some serious notes and information.
by the way the entire article is under my own observation and I will explain and try to convince you 100% why I’m not supporting for online investment platforms such as crypto currencies and forex.
no doubt there is good and bad aspects in every business but there is many other stuff we have to look before we start investing our self in any business.
for me it’s very important that whatever I do It should come with positive and amazing feelings.
when you work in forex or investment platforms you are actually just investing money and waiting it to become a double or triple valued results. but unfortunately whatever the business or career we select for our future we never think about the other side.
for example. is that business legit ?
is that halal or harm ?
is that going to harm me or anyone else ?
do I’m doing to learn something new ?
is there any creativity in this ?
what is the future about this business ?
is this business acceptable in my community ?
is my end product / result helping someone ?
these are the main questions which we never ask our self we just tool at the amount of money which we can make each night of the day.
yes please !
I saw many students who own only few bucks and they are looking some online platform to “ invest “ their money which I usually call “ WASTING MONEY “.
Look when there is already many legit platforms exists to help you grow financially and inform you about latest information for whatever you are seeking for them why are you wasting your energy with such platforms.
the another thing. every is not investor. stop thinking about your self as a investor. investor is someone who owns money enough to lose whatever he is looking to hookup with. I seriously aware our youth to beware of these Ponzi schemes. don’t waste your energy.
try to develop someone-thing new. try to solve problems of people over internet instead putting your money in danger and empowering such platforms to use your energy.
the one who created microsoft, google, amazon,alibaba,wallmart and many more is also like you and me. he did not came from sky. so why you want to waste your valued creativity in such stupid platforms.
in the end I also like give you some my realtime examples 90% i know who are working in crypto and forex are greedy people. they can kick you ass anytime. and this is not because of them. they are as they because they are doing bad business. and this business have very negative vibes for anyone who is involved in this.
Internet and computer gives you billions of opportunities to do something new in your life and learn from it to help others.
by the way all these ponzi systems are also not life-time income systems they can stop at anytime and because you rely on them your entire life. and if this happened to you guess what.
You don’t know to work hard
You can’t wait for money
You count your relations with money
You have no creativity nor will
You in that moment!
you better find some good job to learn from it and help your self with satisfied life instead feeding your greed. :)
money is not everything if you even made billions with such platforms and you as a person are not learning from your business or life. then you are seriously useless to everyone including your own self.
better learn creativity and create solutions instead thinking about only money.
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Thank you for reading
- Qasim